Energy Harvesting
Perpetua's products generate reliable energy from any available heat source.
Read moreWe package the benefits of energy harvesting technology into easy-to-use products.
With Perpetua products, you have the freedom to increase and vary sampling rates without having to sacrifice battery life. Increasing the sampling rates makes many types of sensing feasible that weren’t possible before.
MorePerpetua’s products are priced to break even on the first battery replacement. With lifetimes that match the products being powered, typical payback periods are short, total cost of ownership is favorable, and ROIs are high.
Battery changes are costly in terms of labor, storing replacements, and disrupting operations, and in general are a hassle in the sensor industry. Perpetua’s products remove the need for battery replacements.
MoreBecause of the limits of battery-powered sensors, many applications simply weren’t feasible previously, such as 1-second sampling rates for process pressure and temperature readings. With Perpetua’s products serving as renewable power sources, new applications in sensing, monitoring, and control are possible.
Update rates

The life of batteries powering wireless sensors is decreased as the data update rate increases. For many, running the update rates at the desired level results in unacceptably short battery life. This requires reducing the update rate and foregoing the benefits of more timely and robust data. Battery life is also shortened by high or low temperatures typical in industrial applications.
Using warm-to-the-touch surfaces, Perpetua's Energy Harvesters generate sufficient power to fully drive sensors at their maximum network update rates without sacrificing battery life. This allows users the operational benefits of having a more complete and timely picture of the equipment and processes being monitored for the full life of the sensor.

Sensor battery expense is only one component of the cost of replacing batteries in wireless sensor deployments. Typically, the storage and handling required for batteries as well as labor and operations disruptions associated with battery replacements are several times the battery costs. Over the life of the sensor, this cost represents substantial expense and erodes the benefits of wireless sensor deployments.
Perpetua's products are typically used in a "belt and suspenders" configuration with the energy harvesting energy used instead of the batteries but still having the batteries available as a backup if equipment is taken down for maintenance for example. This approach means that in all conditions the battery life will be extended and in most cases where Perpetua Energy Harvesters are supplying in excess of the sensor power requirements, the battery will effectively not be used and its life will be determined by its no-load storage life. Foregoing the need to replace sensor batteries over the sensor life creates major cost savings and eliminates battery maintenance hassles.

Perpetua’s products are priced to break even on the first battery replacement. With lifetimes that match the products being powered, typical payback periods are short, total cost of ownership is favorable, and ROIs are high.

Because of the limits of battery-powered sensors, many applications simply weren’t feasible previously, such as 1-second sampling rates for process pressure and temperature readings. With Perpetua’s products serving as renewable power sources, new applications in sensing, monitoring, and control are possible.
Perpetua’s products use energy harvesting to generate long-life power.
Energy harvesting is the conversion of sources of energy such as light, temperature, and vibration into power suitable for electronics such as sensors. Each of these sources of energy can provide long-life benefits. For example, solar is extremely effective in areas with good sun exposure and can be very reliable for applications such as remote sensing.
Power Pucks, in particular, are Class I Div 1 Intrinsically Safe certified products that perform thermoelectric energy harvesting, which converts temperature differences from any heat source such as pumps, motors, and warm pipes into energy.

As shown in the diagram, Power Pucks harvest energy from the difference in temperature between a heat source and ambient air using solid-state materials in a process called the Seebeck Effect.
Read more about Thermoelectric Generators.
Perpetua offers products for a wide range of power requirements.

Perpetua's products align with the requirements of the devices they power:
- Power Pucks power industrial wireless sensors for temperature, pressure, and vibration, and more.
- Power Tiles power wired sensors such as 4-20mA HART devices, including pressure and flow devices, as well as multiple wireless transmitters and some gateways.
- Multiple Power Tiles can be configured higher power requirements.
Where to Buy
Power Pucks are available from Perpetua for Emerson transmitters, and can be purchased Emerson for Rosemount transmitters. Power Pucks are Class I, Div 1 intrinsically safe certified products.
Other solutions available from Perpetua include Power Puck energy harvesting solutions for transmitters with requirements not addressed by Perpetua Intrinsically Safe solutions, including CSI 9420 and Rosemount 848 transmitters. Other solutions include Power Tiles which can be tailored for a wide range of uses in single or multiple unit configurations, such as for 4-20mA devices.